Tag Archives: Prompt

IMAGICISE: Zootastic

2 Jun

Answer the call of the wild, well a caged wild, in this zoopendous imagicise! This session is all about enhancing your creative discovery while frolicking through a zoonderful world.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: Human Habitat

    A world renowned zoo has decided to add a human habitat. You’ve been hired as the chief designer. You’re responsible for a main enclosure and four individual unisex indoor spaces. Describe your plans and explain the rationale behind your design.

  • Day 2: Speed Mating

    Quickly write down 8 animal species. It’s time to imagine that these animals will be participating in a animal version of speed dating. Using the 8 animals you listed, make 4 pairs. For each pair write a 2 minute dialogue on what each animal may say during their brief “date” session. This is a great exercise for those wishing to hone their dialogue writing skills.

  • Day 3: Name that Zoo

    A benefactor in your city has decided to open a new zoo. Though the city already has a zoo, and an original name must be devised for the new zoological park. Create a list of possible names. Examples: Wildlife World, Magical Menagerie, Animal Gardens. For those bulking up, select five of the names and write slogans for each one.

  • Day 4: Fantastical Menagerie

    You’re the curator of a magical zoo. It’s full of extinct, mythical, and just plain weird animals. What animals will be in your collection? Feel free to experiment and mix and match different animals. Example could include: dodo birds; unicorns; Blue Flamingo, a pink flamingo injected with blue poison dart frogs to give it blue feathers; Horny Hippos, a hippopotamus with rhinoceros horns. For those bulking up, describe the enclosures for three of the animals.

  • Day 5: Escape Plan

    List three of your favorite animals. Now select one of them. Pretend that you are a member of this species and  currently reside in a zoo. However, the zookeeper forget to lock the cage door. You’ve escaped. Where will you go, what will you do? For those bulking up, devise another ‘escape plan’ for another animal species.

IMAGICISE: Saying Goodbye

26 May

Prepare yourself for this emotionally jarring and tear invoking week of imagicises. Goodbye is a dangerous word, as we never know if another hello will be uttered. This session is all about exploring death while preparing ourselves to say farewell.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: Bon Voice Mail

    List five people from your life, that you cherish. Consider the possibility that you will never see them again, and your message on their voicemail is the last thing they will hear before their untimely demise. What do you wish you would have said. Please keep in mind you can’t tip them off about their impending doom. Write the message for each of the five people. As a bonus, if the situation was reverse, what do you wish each of the five had said in their final voice mails.

  • Day 2: Original Goodbye

    It’s fun (depending on who you are) to break down words and to guess their origins. Farewell probably came from “fair/do well,” while “take care” is the shortened form of “take care of yourself.” Now pretend you are a government endorsed linguist and it’s your time to shine some new light on everyday expressions. Consequently, create a slew of new words or phrases for goodbye. They can be completely original, based on other languages, inside jokes, or abbreviated forms of existing words or phrases. For example, “break it” could be used as an abbreviated form of “go break a leg.” This is a difficult imagicise for some, and you not know where to begin. To aid the process, think of a variety of characters or personalities and imagine if they had their own way of saying goodbye what would it be? For instance, a irate taxi drive won’t say “farewell.” What would a high strung hair stylist, or a retired mob boss say? Here is a sampling of the possibilities: dayo, boodles, to infinity, until dinner, funbe.

  • Day 3: Reverse Pirating

    List your 5 most prized possessions. The bad news is, the time has come to tell them “bon voyage.” The good news is, you get to choose their next destination and owner. For example, who gets your diamond ring, the Xbox 360, and your Adam West autographed batman cape. However, you can not choose family or close friends. Where and/or who do you choose, and why?

  • Day 4: Putting the Fun in Funeral

    This may be difficult for some and enjoyable for others. You’ve been warned. You’re in the funeral business, but the business side is taking a turn for the worst due to stiff competition from Wal-Mart opening its own funeral parlor. It’s up to you to save the day by coming up with unique and innovative ways to say goodbye to a loved one. Be sure to think outside the coffin box. For example, perhaps the corpse is given a ride on a roller coaster that soars underground staying buried. Maybe, the funeral parlor can relocate to a beachside location and offer viking funerals where the recently deceased is cremated in custom built boats set aflame and sent out to sea. Death is a touchy subject, but as a writer you’ll have to deal with it from all angles, so practice escaping your preconceived notions, and feelings on death.

  • Day 5: Fictional Tombstones

    Make a T-Chart (self-explanatory) with a left and right column. In the left column, for 1-2 minutes, list your favorite fictional characters from cartoons, movies, comics, and/or literature. In the right column, for 1-2 minutes, list fictional villains you despise. Now choose 3 to 5 favorites in the left column and 3-5 of your least favorites from the right column. Next, for each one, pen the words that should appear on their tombstone. Optional: Compare and contrast the tombstones from the left and right columns. Were you bias, or were you able to remain objective and pen beautiful words for both columns?


12 May

Get pumped for this gut wrenching week of imagicises, or you may have to get your stomach pumped. This session is all about exploring the nasty, ooiest, and gooiest the world has to offer.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: Gross Thesaurus

    List as many synonyms for gross as you think of. Examples include eww, disgusting, nasty, yuck, and icky. Brainstorm for a minimum of five minutes. Next, spend five additional minutes inventing your own words for “gross.” For instance: bugly, toejamish, “oh litter,” GWB, and budget.

  • Day 2: Smelly House

    An amusement park is developing a new twist on the classic haunted house. Introducing the “Smelly House,” a haunted house exclusively for your olfactory senses. Plan out the “scary features” of this attraction by listing the nastiest, most vile smells on earth. Make sure to continue listing for 5 minutes. For those who wish continue, list a plethora of a wonderful smells for a “Tunnel of Love: Aroma Therapy” ride.

  • Day 3: Horrid Hybrids: Barely Edible Combinations

    If, “Beauty is in the eye of the holder,” than “deliciousness is in the eye of the eater.” In your lifetime, you’ve surely come across some less than flattering dishes. Now is your chance to become a master chef. Devise a menu full of the most hurl inducing items. Let your creativity flow, combine whatever your stomach doesn’t desire. Feel free to add combinations from a celery smoothie to a kitty litter corn dog.

  • Day 4: Fart Flavors

    You are the acting CEO of the Bottled Farts Inc. and it’s up to you save the company from losing out on major sales to still competition. Brainstorm ideas on new fart fragrances and their catchy names. Examples include: Mountain Ewww, Sweet Southern Belch, and Dr. Gasser. If you have extra time, choose one of the ideas and write a slogan and/or a 30 second radio advertisement.

  • Day 5: Icky Names

    Have you ever kissed a girl named Mildred Backwater, or hugged a man named Fungus Ficklebrew. There’s a reason for that. It’s the same reason you’ve never checked into the Stenchtrap Hotel. The names alone are vile enough to keep a parade length distance. It’s your turn to create the yuckiest of names and titles. Brainstorm names for people, schools, stores, cities, countries and whatever else is on your mind.


5 May

While we may spend most of our time in man made boxes, nature is omnipresent. It’s important for us to connect to our host, Mother Earth. This session of imagicise will harness our creativity while galloping through a little garden, a flowery meadow, or a frightful festive. Think of plants, bushes and trees.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: Odd Origins

    Plants grow all over the earth. Some in soil, some in sand, some in water, while others can even grow in the air. Life can originate anywhere as 2pac once wrote about “the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete.” Think of unusual places plants could grow. Examples: a couch, a nostril, a little girl’s head, a car, a stinky shoe, a bowling ball’s finger holes. (5 mins) Choose one of the images and start a story on the origin of that plant and its adventure. (5 mins)

  • Day 2: Fantasy Garden

    Fruits and vegetables grow on plants and trees, but money doesn’t. Well in your fantasy garden, you can grow ANYTHING. What would you grow? Examples: money, tea bags, tooth brushes, bikinis, and groovy mustaches. Now imagine you are 7 years old, what things would you want to grow? Examples: yoyos, ice cream sandwiches, baseball cards, barbie underwear. Bonus: Compare the differences between the lists. Why have your tastes and needs changed… consider treating yourself to something from the 7 year old’s fantasy garden.

  • Day 3: People Plants

    Create new species of plants/trees/bushes based on people you know (celebrities and fictitious people are ok too). Incorporate their name. appearance, and personality into a plant. Describe these new plants. Example: Valerie Mint Trap- Valerie loves mints. Leafs like lips open up hoping to snatch a mint, just like a venus fly trap.

  • Day 4:  A World Without Green

    All the plants and trees on earth vanish. Describe the immediate effects from any perspective or location.

    Click here for more Vanishing style imagicises.
  • Day 5: Cactus People

    What if there was a race/ethnicity of humans with cactus like skin and features. Pretend you’re researching the lifestyle and customs of a native population of “cactus people” for National Geographic. What do you observe? Where do they live? What is their diet? What is there daily life consist of? Comment on how they would fit into modern society. What advantages/disadvantages do they have? 

IMAGICISE: Groundhog Day

28 Apr

On February 2nd, the groundhog may predict if spring will come early , but it possess no control over the weather’s destiny. However, with this imagicise you can not only predict the outcome of your creative efforts but also control your destiny as an imaginator.

This week’s installment of ‘imagicises’ will continue to help you get into tip top writing shape while exploring the tradition of Groundhog Day as well as the 1993 motion picture of the same name starring Bill Murray.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: Punxsutawney Phil & Friends

    City officials have caught on to the success of having their own weatherhog. Though each city needs to come up with a name. Brainstorm names for possible groundhogs. First write a town/city name, from anywhere in the world including fictional cities, and then add a personal name to it. Alliteration is not essential, but definitely focus on the rhythm of the name. Make sure it takes on a personality of its own. Possible creations could include, Miami Miguel, Tonawanda Tiny, The Buffalo Burrower, and Gotham Gabe.

  • Day 2: Animalistic Holidays

    Groundhog Day is founded by the simple premise that if an animal sees its shadow it will mean 6 more weeks of winter. Brainstorm new traditions based on animals. For example, the number of kittens born to an honorary cat will correlate with how many months of beautiful weather people will enjoy. For a college football town, the first treat a zebra eats could predict what bowl game the team will participate in. Or a town could promote innocence and childhood and encourage senior citizens to visit local parks for free pony rides. They could call the rides, “The Jubilant Juvenile Journey.”

  • Day 3: Wildlife Opinion

    How do the other creatures of the earth feel about the groundhog’s annual 10 minutes of fame? Brainstorm a list of animals and for each one provide their opinion on the groundhog. For example, a bear could think, “Why would I wake up early for that?” and a chipmunk might say, “Why him? I’m cuter!” This exercise is helpful when naturally learning how to craft original voices for your characters. Dig deep into the soul of each critter.

  • Day 4:  Groundhog Day Starring You

    Groundhog Day is a 1993 comedy directed by Harold Ramis. The film stars Bill Murray whose character for no apparent reason continues to relive February 2nd, Groundhog Day. In essence, when he wakes up at 6am, it’s always the same exact day, though Murray retains his memory of the previous day(s). If you were the star of Groundhog Day… what things what you do? For example Murray’s character learns to play the piano, takes up ice sculpting, figures out how to rob a money truck, and learns information about local women in order to seduce them.

  • Day 5: Your Day of Repetition

    Bill Murray’s character comments how he’s upset that he has to relive a day in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the middle of winter. If you could have any day be your Groundhog Day, which would it be. Where is it? Why? For example… on the day of your surprise birthday, your wedding day, or a sunny day in Bali.



19 Apr

As creators, we must find places to unleash our imaginations. What better place than space? We can’t let those pocket protector geeks (purposeful stereotype) hold exclusive rights over the galaxy. It’s time for us imaginators to flex our creative muscles where no one can hear you scream.

This week’s installment of ‘imagicises’ will continue to help you get into tip top writing shape while going ‘where every man has gone before:’ Outer Space.

For those wishing to ‘tone’ their creative muscles, simply spend 5 minutes on each prompt. For those ‘bulking up’, spend an additional 5 minutes writing or follow the specific instructions with each prompt.

* For further directions on ‘Imagicise’ click here.


  • Day 1: NAME THAT PLANET – You can count the number of planets with two hands, but thanks to imaginators george lucas and other science fiction writers, our vocabulary is filled with a vast array of planet names. The time has come for you to name the planets in your galaxy. This is a great way to notice trends in your style. Where does your brain look to for inspiration? Are there any particular sounds or themes that are often repeated? For those ‘bulking up,’ spend an additional 5 minutes describing one of the planets as if you’re writing it’s travel brochure.

  • Day 2: ALIEN FAMILY RESTAURANT – What’s on the menu at a family Restaurant for aliens? Use ingrediants present on Earth, but don’t limit yourself to edibles. For instance, a used car salad with gas tank slices, rubber tire croutons, and dusty car seat morsels sprinkled with rust and marinated in unleaded fuel is worthy of the menu. Try not to limit yourself to ‘technologigcal’ or ‘scientific’ themes, allow your menu to branch into whatever realm your culinary creativity desires. For those ‘bulking up,’ spend an additional 5 minutes describing the restaurant with sensory details.

  • Day 3: SPACESHIP REALITY – Imagine you are a cast member of a new reality tv show set on a spaceship. The intended audience should be the same as the audience you intend to write for (ex. children, adults, intelligent canines). Choose 5 (10 for those bulking up) spaceship mates, fictional or real, that will naturally create infinite storyline possibilities. Consider this imagicise as practice for assembling an ensemble cast of characters by learning how characters must play off one another or support the protagonist, which in this case is you.

  • Day 4: TAKE ME TO YOUR DENTIST – Science fiction often portrays aliens landing on earth to destroy mankind. While this creates universal conflict, it’s also cliche. Let’s have some fun and create a list of reasons aliens may land on earth. For example, “they need to borrow some mayonaise,” “They want to study spanish,” “A young alien was punished for bad behavior and sent to earth,” or “they arrived for the sole purpose of telling earthlings to kindly keep the noise down.” For those ‘bulking up,’ choose one of the scenarios and spend an additional 5 minutes crafting the dialogue between the aliens and a group of earthlings.

  • Day 5: Alien Google Trends – The google empire has invaded the outer limits. While daily google trends can range from sports, to celebrities and current events, imagine what would be the most searched for items on a galactic google.

IMAGICISE: Dungeon Dwelling

13 Apr

PROMPT: Describe a different sort of dungeon.


Then check out the example below!

Crave’s Example:

Not all dungeons are dark and dingy, scary and stingy. Some are quite pretty! Well, at least one was. Oh yes, it’s true, it’s quite true. There was once a girl, she wasn’t a princess, yet she wasn’t that poor. She was an heir you see, but she was one of nine. So when the time had come for her elders to say goodbye, her and her eight brothers and sisters were given their piece of the castle pie. The first got the gold, the second the horses, the third the navy, the fourth the food, the fifth the jester, the sixth a wardrobe of exotic dresses and gowns, the seventh received lands in vast countries, the eighth was given the castle grounds, but what was left for the little girl. Well, the dungeon! “Oh my!” she said as she toured the moping, crying, and ghastly grounds. We need to spice this up! And indeed she did. But in fact, she made the dungeon so cute, that it was even more torturous than before for those who entered. [ 5 mins, 179 words]

IMAGICISE: Bearded Princess

13 Apr

PROMPT: There once was a bearded princess…


Then check out the example below!

Crave’s Example:

              There once was a bearded princess, and unhappy she was. It all began when she was just a little girl. One morning a hair appeared on her chin. She wanted it removed immediately, but a wise woman warned her. “For each hair you remove, two more will take its place.”

              So it began. For years, the princess snipped, cut, pulled, torched, waxed her facial hairs, and just as the wise woman promised, soon twins would sprout up. And now, the princess had a thick forest of folicles. There was nothing in the mortal world that could shave this beard, except of course for a magic razor. The wise woman had spoke about an ancient razor born out of love. Long ago, there was a maiden prized for her long locks of hair. Suitors from all across the land came to ask for her hand in marriage. But she knew they only loved her for her hair. Though she loved herself, and sought the aid of a wizard. He then gave her the magical razor, which she used to shave her head once and for all. The suitors left, but she was free to pursue life at her leisure. Though, no man would marry her. Still, she used her days to explore the vast lands, and journeyed days, months, and years to the farthest corners of the imagination. It is in the farthest point in the Hollow Caves of the North Sea, where she was finally laid to rest, alone but happy. It has been spoken, that the razor rests in these caves.

              So the bearded princess decreed that whomever obtains the magical razor will have her hand in marriage. Many men saddled up and went on the quest, though it was a dangerous trek and would take many years to reach the cave. However, there was one man. A local boy who grown up with the princess. He admired her, and loved her natural beauty. “Princess, I care not that you have a beard, I love you all the same, please marry me!”

              Though the princess too admired this man, she was unable to love herself as he did. So many years she waited in the castle, alone and unhappy. Then finally, one day a man had returned with the razor, though it was too late, she was an old woman and had died in her sleep, with the full beard in tact. [10 mins – 403 words]


30 Mar

PROMPT:  Once upon a time there was a man with no legs…


Then check out the example below!

Crave’s Example:

Once upon a time there was a man with no legs. His name was Emmett. One morning, Emmett went for a jog. In the afternoon, he stood in line at the post office. And in the evening, he performed stand-up comedy. It was easy for him, on account of his missing legs. Well, they weren’t exactly missing. He knew where they were. And so did the ghost. Quite a spell ago, a neighboring poltergeist had invited him to a poker game in the afterworld. Emmett wasn’t exactly a card shark, but he certainly knew his way around the table. This natural skill upset a rather feisty ghost who desired to take the game to a higher level. The cocky ghost challenged Emmett to a personal wager. Emmett didn’t have enough to challenge the ghost’s “all in” call, but having plenty of time to strategize in the after his death the ghost was one step ahead.

“Throw in your legs and we’re even,” said the ghost. Emmett looked at his cards and thought he stood an honest chance of winning with his straight flush. But, unbeknownst to him, royal blood flushed the ghost that day and he took the pot including Emmett’s legs.

“But how will I walk around?” asked Emmett.

“Here,” said the ghost as he handed him his legs. Those at the game though only the ghost walked away a winner. They were wrong. Both of them did. Perhaps that was what the ghost had in mind all along.

For the ghost may have stud at the card table, but in the world of haunting he was a dud. No matter how many hours he spent hiding, crawling, sneaking, and booing he just never seemed to frighten his designated hauntees. But when he got his human legs, that all changed. For you see, Emmet sported quite the lead feet. This had bothered him for some time. It made long walks feel like an epic adventure, and exercise, well that was certainly out of the question. But worst of all, was his shoes. For there wasn’t a shoe maker in town who offered a size 19 and ½. Luckily, for the ghost he felt no pain, and certainly didn’t mind the dirt, bugs, and scabs. Especially, when little children and adults aliked gasped at the sight of the approaching giant legs. It was haunting heaven for the ghost, for he never had to plan a spook again. He merely walked his way around town, filled his daily quote and then spent the evening snacking on cheese and crackers as he watched the boats come into the harbor.

As for Emmett, his dead legs were life savers. He could exercise and never once had to worry about the appearance of his shoe-less feet. Emmett learned a valuable lesson at that poker game. Even if you don’t play the right hand, you may get a better set of legs. [10mins – 487 words]

IMAGICISE: Rapunzel / Lancelot

29 Mar

PROMPT: What if your name was….

Gentlemen: Rapunzel   /   Ladies: Lancelot


Then check out the example below!

Crave’s Example:

If my name was Rapunzel I’m sure at some point in my youth my parents would have payed someone to let me lie on their couch, and as an adult, medicare would be fronting the bill. I hope my street skills would have led me in the search of a nickname. Though that could be difficult. A play off of “Pun” comes to mind, but “Big Pun” and “The Punisher” are already taken. I’m not exactly a heavyset rap artist, and I certainly don’t know enough about comics to steal an iconic heroe’s name. Oh well…let’s see. What about “R-Rated,” while my potty mouth would get me through the door people would assume such a rating would include nudity, and I don’t want to have to have to perform community service. So all I can think of is, “RZ Cola” but I don’t what specifically constitutes me as being carbonated. Though my hyperactivity would vouge for the caffeine. So maybe I would just go for the old route of using my middle name. James it is! I often think about what it would be like to have a horrid nickname, so here are some “they can’t be good,” nicknames.

  • Backup
  • Why Not?
  • The President of the United States of America
  • Lord of the Turds
  • Sir Smellypants
  • Captain Jerkface
  • USS Fatty McMuffin

I’m not too sure this list is cutting it. I wonder though how many lads named Rapunzel would actually grow their hair out. At least then there’s a reason for their name and they could play it off as a nickname. But then again I wonder how many would be drawn to “play for the other team.” I guess we’ll only know once people start naming their newborn baby boys Rapunzel. I’d like to start that movement, but I think it will be years before any woman lets me get anywhere close to being a father. [5mins – 324 words]