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Tell Me Something: Favorite Books

7 Jan

When the book fair rolled its steel shelves into Hamilton Elementary School, I steered clear of words. Instead, my eyes darted towards the books with drawings, stickers, and photos of my favorite wrestlers. To no avail my mother urged me towards the chapter books to follow my peers by jumping off the bridge of illiteracy.

Thankfully when the school librarian permitted me to come back inside after my constant ‘time-out’s for chattering during storytime, I was able to slurp up some literature. Though most were commercial picture books such as Danger Mouse or easy readers like Roger Hargreave’s Mr. Men series and Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter books. The only non-picture book I recall reading was Roald Dahl’s The Twits. My knowledge of the classics is due mainly to their motion picture adaptians such as Charlotte’s Web, or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

I suppose I’ve never stopped reading picture books, but even in that genre my archives are scarce. As I’m currently penning picture books while eyeing an eventual switch to middle-grade fiction the time has come absorb a lifetime of children’s books. And I need your help!

While Barnes and Nobles and Amazon are quick to tell me what should be on every reader’s shelf, I’d rather look to those around me who share similar surroundings, pasts, and pleasures. Please comment below with your favorite children’s picture or chapter books from when you were a mere youngster, a childish adult, or a concerned parent.

I appreciate your generosity and look forward to your contributions!