Tag Archives: Seeley & Kane’s

Artist’s Way: Week 8 Check-In

14 May

1.) How many days this week did you do your morning pages?

Morning Pages: 6/7

I’m sad to report that I fell short this week and only completed my morning pages 6 out of the 7 days. I neglected to complete them on Saturday morning. I had barely slept for a few hours dealing with a personal crisis of someone dear to me. By time I finally woke up around 11:00am, I knew the clock was ticking to take full advantage of the stash of free comics available at the local comic stores, so I showered and head out the door. Later in the afternoon when things slowed down, I felt I could do my morning pages then, but for the first time I realized that was cheating. It wasn’t fair, and I had to take a loss. I’m ok with it. Sometimes you have to let yourself carry a wound to remind you the dedication it takes to be consistent.

Night Pages 7/7

I’m happy that I was able to hit the night pages out of the park. Looking back I see a great deal of creativity in the writing, a few sketches, and more substance. I did cheat a bit on Sunday as I wrote them in the early evening so I could wrap up the week early and get a head start on next week which includes a dreaded GRE test, and a nice trip down to Atlanta, Georgia to spend time with family and yes sneak in a few coaster rides while I’m there.

2.) Did you do your artist date this week? 

My artist date was something we can only do once a year, and that’s if you happen to be in America and aren’t working that day. In its 11th year, Free Comic Book Day occurs on the 1st Saturday of May and is a celebration of comic books. The public is invited to local comic book shops and to walk with 100% free comic books. This is a way for comic book companies and shop owners to thank repeated customers and to encourage kids and adults to enter the shop for the first time and get into comic books. The books are from the major publishers DC, Marvel, Image and also from smaller independents. While the books are free for the public, each shop has to pay for each book (usually less than 50 cents). It’s not just a grab and go event, it’s more like an indoor BBQ. Comic Fans adorned in costumes and hero laden tees all stand around snacking on pizza or hot dogs talking about their favorite characters and stories. I just started getting into comics a few weeks ago and I felt welcomed into this exotic paper rich world. I went to 4 shops in the Buffalo, NY area, and in all came home with 29 FREE comic books. I ended up buying 2 comic books, mostly because I felt guilty and wanted to give back in a small way to the generous shops. The winner by a long shot was Seeley & Kane’s on Elmwood Avenue. They allowed every customer to grab one of each comic. I didn’t arrive until after 1pm, but even then I was able to grab 19 comics. This shop has my respect and whenever I purchase a comic from a physical store, they will have my business. Halley’s Comics was nice enough to offer 5 comics, and I could tell this was a small operation, so I appreciated their kindness. Any store has to be commended for giving away free comics, with that said Queen City gave away 3 comics, and Don’s Atomic Comics which allowed 2. In between each shop, I blasted powerful beats on a custom mixed CD and snacked wherever I pleased. I downed a DQ cherry dipped vanilla cone ( a personal favorite), a cheeseburger, mac and cheese, and even my first Cherry Coke in over 2 years.

3.) Did you experience any synchronicity this week?

One of the items I’ve placed in my journal was the batmobile from the 1966 TV Show… it’s one of those “dream purchases.” Well… today I just looked at flier for the Niagara Falls Comic Con, and that very batmobile is rolling into the area on June 9th. Will I be able to buy/steal it. No, but this is no coincidence. The universe is putting me closer to something I desire. It’s only a matter of time, before I connect with it.

Also another name of interest, Dustin Diamond, Screech from Saved by the Bell will be in town as well. It’s almost as if the universe is throwing many wrestling related stars into the area just so I can interview them for RingWriters.com or for future articles.

4.) Were there any other issues this week that you consider significant for your recovery? 

Creatively, this week was empty. Nothing was created, though I’ve been taking in. It’s been an uneventful week, though it’s mostly due to horrible sleeping patterns, and ample time spent studying for the GRE, and visiting my uncle in the hospital, who I wish a speedy and healthy recovery. I did get a nice bike ride in this week, was able to watch two new movies, one at the midnight premiere of the Avengers and one at home with Svengoolie presenting the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Svengoolie continues the time honored of tradition of low budget horror hosts, and I thought it was about time I spied this classic horror movie. The comic book obsession continues as I read four different graphic novels (in this case, a graphic novel is a compilation of typically 6-9 individual comic books).

I rebounded with the tasks this week and completed 6 out of 10. Thankfully, they were all written tasks. These exercises struck the heart and truly made me visualize my now and later!

That’s it for now. I do realize I need to step up the productivity game. I feel it’s happening with the coming of summer and my ability to now concretely map out my goals. Cheers imaginators!